Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Family sail

Lazy family sail with all the kids on board. Some where happier than others. These two loved their spot at the bow and spent a large part of the afternoon there, happily chatting away. It did take a while to get them to hold on with both hands but they eventually obliged most of the time. Definitely helped that conditions were easy, with the wind speed rarely exceeding 10 knots. We had the main sail reefed for the first time and used the smallest genoa, so it was pretty smooth sailing for kids, mums and ultimately dads.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Another Friday afternoon...

Doubt it gets much better than this.
Beautiful Friday arvo, sweet seabreeze, Gussy and Charlie executed a James Bond style last minute 'exit from the CBD alcatraz' rescue of myself and Yeatsy and in no time we had No 1 up and were beating up the harbour and out the heads.

No photos to show for it but a 1st class sail.

Only drama was snagging a passing kayaker with a lure - oops! He seemed to be OK.

Thar goes the assy

It was all going sooooo well.
One minute Jens is getting coached...

Then we are cruising under assy and trash-talking passing you do...

Then this...